About Us

Our pursuit is to recognize excellence through our team of expert curators.

We apply the highest standards to distinguish the most outstanding photography.

Since 2017

We have developed a photography community on Facebook with over 80.000 members, reviewing daily over 500 photographs of the most talented photographers in the world. We have tried to offer you a friendly and safe photo platform to give photographers, professionals and amateurs, a way to publish their work and get some publicity for their art.

Now it is time for an international webpage outside Facebook, where we offer you a place to showcase the very best curated photographs of the week. 

Spread the news around and send us your shots. 

Anyone can join us, professionals and amateurs. Remember that great photography is about the depth of feeling, not the depth of field.

Some Cool Facts

Numbers Speak For Themselves

FB Group members
Years of Experience
entries a day

Facebook page ' Noir, the best of the Club of Black and White Photography with 16K followers

We love beauty

Famous photographers throughout history have produced some incredible images that have stood the test of time, but it’s not only their photographs that are inspirational. Their acute insights into the creative process have guided generations of photographers and shaped the way even today’s best photographers think about their subjects and scenes.

We offer you here to exhibit the instants of your time and to enjoy the work from others. Join us today!

We love art

Photography is the art, application, and practice of creating durable images by recording light, either electronically by means of an image sensor, or chemically by means of a light-sensitive material such as photographic film. As any visual art form, photography exploits vulnerabilities of the human visual perception and can make us experience emotions that move us and compel us to do things that we otherwise would not even think of. 

5 out of 5 stars based on the opinion of 328 people

Join us here at NOIR, the club of black and white photography and get published...

The curators are a group of professionals, the same ones of our Facebook groups . The reputation of ‘Club of Black and White Photography’ is very high. Over the years we have attracted the finest photography of professional photographers as well as amateur photographers. We take image curation very seriously. The photographs shown on this page are the result of sifting through your photographs and methodically selecting the best images around a specific category.  The categories can be found here  https://noirclubofblackandwhitephotography.com/categories/

Meet The Team​ and Curators

Your curators and team of Club of Black and White Photography

Martine Heyvaert, Trevor Cole, Lyndsey G. Kidd, Antonio Tocornal, Dani Cole, Martin Glover, Aaron Doherty, Tomas Díaz, Tom Smith